Clear thinking.

I'm on a Development Coach course (climbing) all weekend, after a week of meetings I was hoping today would be more hands on, but sadly (for me, not future clients) at this level they know we can climb, so now they need to train, and soon assess, that we can actually coach - communicate across ability ranges and in a variety of styles to a variety of clients.
So its been mostly classroom based - I often say not my forte, but obviously I can focus and excel in this environment when required - I'd just never choose to! Happily tomorrow we need to show we can put teaching styles, dynamic assessments and lesson plans into operation, so we should hit the wall & do the fun thing.

Much as I'm coming to love my trips to London, and several key projects are really starting to happen, one thing I really don't enjoy is the lack of fresh air, blowing your nose when you've spent a day on the tube makes me seriously wonder what's in my lungs..

So having been (by my usual standards) cooped up all week, and then missing such a glorious day it seemed the only right thing to do was stop on the drive home and have a quick saunter up the steep South East flanks of Grayrigg Pike - I've blipped a view of it before, but today in the fantastic air I thought I'd blip a much photographed, highly mytholgised feature - Broken Heart Wood. Sadly whilst all the local forlorn lovers legends are endearing, the truth is that walls created to keep sheep out of the steep Broken Gill, allowed a wood roughly shaped like a heart to grow, and the name evolved to match the stories. But hey a bit of romance is never a bad thing.

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