
By Angelique


Today has been a productive day clearing out the garage.  We found items that we have never seen before, put there in boxes when we moved in over 8 years ago.  You know what I mean, you don't throw it away as it might be useful someday.  Well now it's out.

That was the first car load, there will be at least another one to go.  After a late lunch we took Phoebe for a walk across the Beacon Field.  Mr A always lifts her up as she likes to look around.  She really does seem to appreciate the view.

This evening we went out as Mr A had managed to get some tickets to see The Baron Knights in concert at The Brewhouse in Taunton.  They have been performing since 1958!!  As you can imagine they are very professional and very old but still very funny.

Having played with Phoebe chasing her up and down the stairs, she looks as 'pooped' as I feel. 

Tomorrow we are taking Matthew out as usual for his train/coffee/cake treat and of course we cant tell him about the move as he would get too excited.  He is coming home for the weekend on the day after his birthday (29th April), and that will probably be the last time he will come to Stogumber.  But I know he is going to love the new house.

Thankyou for all the kind words concerning my stained glass, very kind.  Enjoy your Sunday everyone, and hope the sun shines down on you all. xxxx

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