Shattered Memories.

By Valtiel


Today was awesome. Me, Johnny and Bekka decided to go down the river because of the beautiful weather. Kendal Mint cake all round ! It was so hot that Bekka and Johnny decided to go swimming. So we went in search of a spot and round a perfect one. We decided to take loads of summery photo's for when the weather passed and we could keep happy thinking about the good times. I said id be the photographer because if im honest I really can swim. It all some sort of deep routed fear I have of sharks ( Im not stupid I know sharks arnt found in the Tyne) It just always made me a bit freaked out by water especially dark water I cant see the bottom of it scares me. So they both went In and I sat on the side happy to just be taking photo's. When Johnny took his top off I couldnt help but notice all the massive scarred burns down his arm and across his chest. It freaked me out a lot so I felt the need to ask him but he just told me it was personal and was a horrible story..Im just really worried. Its not something I like to see and I hate the thought of people going through bad things. I let It go though and eventually we got too cold and went back to johnnys and watched Thor Bekka's favourite film. It was a good day but I still cant help but feel worried..not my buisness though I guess

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