
By Mindseye


A pretty grey morning in more ways than one.....hub hasn't been feeling great all week, ear ache, neck ache, arm ache, then spots...we thought maybe he'd been bit whilst out in the garden, but this morning it's spread into a rash. I said to him I think this might be shingles! After a visit to our walk in centre, they confirmed it is, antiviral drugs should help with the nerve pain. Five horse sized tablets per day for a week. So guess I'll be taking youngest to/from hospital on my own is week whilst hub is recovering :-/

The weather has brightened up this afternoon but still chilly! Hub had a potter for a little while in the greenhouse and I picked a spot by our trellis to rest my camera on, as we heard our resident blue tits in the nest box tapping away!

After a little I saw it (not sure if it's Mr or Mrs) poke it's head out to check if the coast is clear, then it poked our further, before launching itself at lightening speed out of the box!

I just clicked the shutter like a madwoman in the hope that I'd captured it.......it was so fast, I missed it in the view finder, so was so made up when I saw this shot. Not the clearest of images, but I'm super happy to have got it just as it flew out of the hole!!!

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