
By Mindseye

Finally feels like Spring!

First things first.....thoroughly enjoyed Michael Bolton concert, in support was Gabrielle, she was great too. Well done sis for getting us front row seats......since when has row D, been front row? Last time I went to this venue it was strictly no cameras, so I didn't take it.......wrong decision!!!! Obviously changed their policy, was sooo gutted, especially as we were on the front row :-/

By the time I got home, unwind, and get to bed it was 12.30, still awake at 2.30...but did get off after that, so not too bad, had 6+ hours. Woke to a beautifully sunny morning, which saw us walk down to town, amble around, then call in for a coffee, that turned into lunch :-)

Once back home, we got stuck into some gardening as the weather was perfect! I transplanted a couple of things, moved some tulip bulbs now they'd finished flowering. Hub was beavering away in his greenhouse....just a perfect few hours.

I was hoping to catch some of the birds late evening, but nothing appeared, so I grabbed some shots of flowers in our borders as the sun went down and create nice shadows. This sole daffy appealed to me the most :-)

A late dinner this evening, just waiting for it to finish off in the oven. An all in one pot, roasted kinda dish, chicken thighs, crushed garlic, chilli, cubed potatoes, cannelloni beans, green beans, cherry tomatoes all tossed together..... smells lovely ;-)

Think I might be a little achey tomorrow, step and Pilates will soon put that right though, kill me or cure me :-)

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