A Short Detour

Part of the Mark River shot on the Wilhelminabrug, 'Wilhelmina Bridge', in Breda.

I suddenly thought I'd make use of the sunny day to drive to Breda, just for a spin, and see what the new train station looked like, assuming it was finished and might be blippable.  What a shock!  The station itself is practically done, except for some finishing touches, but, apparently, the municipal government, contractors and architects decided to upgrade the surrounding area as well -- the entire length of two streets; rather, there is now an entirely new street where no street was before and a number of more modern apartment blocks are emerging out of the rubble, including new shops and service outlets, paid (bah!) parking areas, bus stops, pedestrian areas, cafés, snackbars, and the like.  This will definitely be something to see when it's all done!  Quickly and surely, the Breda I first got to know 26 years ago is doing its best to suit the tastes of the 21st century.  And didn't I just sound a bit like a salesperson just now?  *bleuh*

Of course, I didn't go to the station just to see it.  The local Starbucks is there now and I went there and got hubby and myself three slices of cheesecake ... and another souvenir mug, for which, this time, there is a definite person in mind.

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