
The sun came out in the afternoon, so I went for a stroll round Arthur's Seat. 
The swans at Dunsappie have abandoned the platform in the middle of the pond and built a nest on the grass beside the road. The council have come and put a fence round them. A bright orange plastic polythene fence. With flapping notices that say 'Nesting Birds'. 

Personally I cannot imagine a less peaceful place. Dog walkers, joggers, cyclists, small children wanting to feed the ducks with stale bread, never mind the cars whizzing past on their way to the viewpoint. 

The swans however are quite blasé, when a ranger's land-rover pulled up and two men in full visi-vest neon walked right beside the nest the male periscoped his head up, gave them an ugly look and then put his head back under his wing. The female didn't even bother doing that. 

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