
Well...I did it!! I was terrified, I screamed the loudest and the longest, but I did it. But, I will never ever, ever, ever do it again! 

When I read the strap line on the window of the ride I didn't know whether to laugh or cry...This is a boisterous ride, not suitable for whimps...

I couldn't eat anything all day as I was so worked up about the reverse bungee jump. It was almost a waste of a day off as it was on my mind all the time. We were scheduled for 5pm so I had to wait all day. As we drove up and I saw the two huge posts I went all wobbly. 

Pat and Hannah went on first and it was torture knowing I was next. As they came off with big Cheshire cat grins Simon and I got strapped in and before I knew it I was being flung 250 feet upwards, I kept my eyes squeezed shut all the time, I just couldn't open them. I knew when I was upside down though and I definitely didn't want to open them then! I screamed and screamed.......until it was over. As I climbed off I was shaking like a leaf and could barely walk...but I did it. 

We raised well over £600 between us for The Christie Hospital so we felt quite pleased with ourselves. 

There are few more pics here

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