
By MyLifeMirror

Sweet Memories

“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.” - Alfred Tennyson

Every time I smell the fragrance of a gardenia, I remember my Grandmother.
She had a huge gardenia plant that she kept on the front porch during the summer and there would be so many flowers that you could smell gardenia a block from the house.
We would sit on that front porch every evening - my Grandparents on the swing, my Mom and at least one of her sisters on the glider and the children on the steps.
Grandma always had her rosaries in her hand.
We would talk for hours.
I was so very lucky.

Now I have four gardenia flowers blooming on my plant (this is one).
For me that is success.
I will always have a gardenia in my house/garden.
For the memories.

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