Rock face

Finding this chap in between puncture one and puncture two today, I thought it an entirely appropriate blip.

Surely, three punctures in 16 hours is a bit much?

I’m guessing all three are pinch punctures but I haven’t taken the last one off yet.  I’m wondering if my winter tyres are two big for the rim.

What I did of my ride was fabulous, however, seeing three lone swallows, which must have only just arrived, and riding in shorts and a short sleeved shirt.  The weather was glorious, there was a big rock to sit on to change my tyre and I was uphill from the train station which was my only option after the second puncture, having given Rich my repair kit.

But what really made my day was, after not being able to find my emergency fiver in any of my pockets and avoiding one ticket lady by one person, the lovely ticket lady on the second train told me not to worry, at which point my eyes filled up - lucky I had my sunglasses on! There are some good people around.

Now, to work out what to do with my chuffin’ bike.

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