
By Knottman2

Town Hall Clock

Adoxa moschatellina, also commonly referred to as Moschatel. This little plant is universally known as Town Hall Clock. Look closely and you will see that the side flowers face in each of the points of the compass. For good measure the fifth flower faces up to the sky.

It is fairly common but easily overlooked as the flowers are only a couple inches tall.

My photo is not the best but I wanted to blip it to tell a little story.

About five years ago Knottman had a phone call from an old gentleman in the village who was 99 years old. Let us call him Frank. The conversation went like this:

Frank: I understand your wife is a naturist.
Knottman: Well she is a Naturalist but not the other.
Frank: I have a problem. For twenty years every Spring if I have found Town Hall Clock I have known that I will live another year. But where I usually find it the farmer has ploughed it up. Do you know somewhere else where it grows?

Well, we did and we took him there. He saw it and made it to a hundred. The following year he was too ill to go to see it and he passed away shortly after that.

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