A wonderful day for a blipmeet

After a blood test at the doctors I caught the bus to Rosemarkie. It was a stunning day and I wish I had left my coat at home.
I walked past the church and down the steps and along the front to the beach. This skiff was just being brought in , what a great day to be on the water.
I walked along the waters edge, a few people were enjoying the day too. The sheep with their lambs were at the bottom of the field sheltering from the heat under a large tree.
Primroses, celandine, wood anemones and a few bluebells were starting to flower. The air was filled with the smell of coconut from the gorse that lined the path. Ravens were nesting by the caves again. The bushes were filled with birdsong, the only sound except for the lashing of the waves as the tide came in. A dolphin swam past stopping to catch a fish.

On the way back to the beach café a man came up the hill. 'I'm taking a loo at the tennis court from above' he said. He ha been working on the clay court all morning to make it playable again. He said it had been difficult as football had been played on it during the winter and large footprints had dried making it hard to make the surface smooth. He had done well as the court looked great.

Had another excellent  blipmeet with Lyns, Sedge ( who are staying in Rosemarkie ) Cawdor Chronicles and Baron. I am now the proud owner of one of Barons fabulous owls :)

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