Rodents rule

By squirk

And relax

On 27 October, a very annoying person damaged all of the window frames and outer door at the back of the flat with a screwdriver, trying to get in. When the frames held fast, entry was gained via a brick thrown through the kitchen window. Nothing was stolen and no one was hurt, but it takes ages to sort out damage through insurance. Today, finally, a couple of chaps installed a new kitchen window and fixed all of the gouged-out bits on the door and frames. They did a grand job. I hope it's the last time they have to visit (this is the second time in two years). 

It was impossible to work in the flat while the work was going on – anxious cat and guinea pigs, cold air blasting through, lack of access to the kettle... So I left Fred gallantly holding the fort and sent myself to Pintadera café. I settled in with a coffee (see above blip) and had almost put pencil to paper when Ana peered in the window. I hadn't seen her for ages so she grabbed a coffee and we caught up. This meant I didn't do my work, but it was great to hear about her business: The Heart Work.

A few hours later, some work done, much coffee drunk (and cake eaten), windows all in place, Fred and I escaped for an evening walk through magnificent Brockwell Park. The blossom is glorious.

We ended up at The Ritzy just in time to see Force Majeure, a masterpiece of comic timing. I loved it. The whirr of an electric toothbrush won't be the same again. I felt quite sorry for all parties in the story at some point. The funniest moment: either the unexpected remote-controlled gadget or the misplaced complement at the bar.

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