Magnificent Magnolia

I love when this tree blooms; the flowers are short lived, but stunning.

We had a huge magnolia tree in the garden at work, but the Boss pruned it to a stump a couple of months ago.
As it had been in the garden for such a long time, patients have got used to seeing it in full bloom at this time of year and many say how they look forward to seeing it.

As it was just outside my surgery window, I'm the one that has to listen to all the horrified gasps when they see its gone.

And if I had a pound for every time I've heard 'oooh, the magnolia's gone' like I hadn't noticed!, I'd have about £20!

It is a shame it's been totally felled, but on the plus side, I get more light into my surgery now and a much better view of the garden.

This one is in next doors garden, but peeps over the fence at us

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