Back where we belong

Sunday was a LONG day of travel.....and I quite literally felt like I was going to fall apart emotionally at one point in the last leg of my flights.  Whew....good news, though....I didn't.  I held it together, and lived to see another happy mood come to pass.  I think I was just feeling "hangry"......

One fun thing....I got a chance to walk behind and in front of Mr. Tim Meadows.....well known for his work on Saturday Night Live.  I didn't bother him....just smiled happily on the inside.  

It was a delight to be back on solid ground, and picking up my girl to head on home.  She got her first American Girl magazine in the mail,and could wait to pop it open at bedtime.  We had such a wonderful cuddle time getting our emotional rhythms back in sync.  

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