Strawberries and Shame

I have bought into The Jubilee

I know I know I may aswell have called this blip " Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here "

In my defense I have two children who are very excited and a trip round Asda meant I left my Sex Pistols ideology at the door and became Anne Widdecome.

We own a jubilee tray, jubilee cake glitter ( that won't end up being trodden into the floor and bits of it still found on my feet in six months time then..), flags, napkins. I drew the line at them getting Jubilee Handbags.. they would have looked like Hinge and Bracket strutting around with over sized accessories

I have also bought enough wine to sink a battleship or to sink all these items once it gets to Wednesday!

I am sorry to me, to my bank balance and to you lot for having to read this. I would like to have blipped a Mauritian sunset and a cocktail being served to me by an oiled up naked Dave Grohl but he's lost his bloody passport so we are staying in Shipley.

Tsssk a gin and tonic calls and then me and the girls are going to start a bakeathon whilst I try to stop saying the word " Jubilympics "

For anyone that never watched Twenty Twelve ( the best comedy this decade) here is The Birth of The Jubylympics Idea


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