
Ok let's get the swear word over and done with. Today I was
" shopping". Normally I hate shopping and today was no different

Not THE most auspicious start to the day when the washing machine died followed not long after by the oven. Most days I am perfectly happy with our set up of three people in this house, we have freedom and no stresses from awkward people, we do well and it's all good , but very occasionally I get fucked off at being a single parent and being the one who is responsible for everything on a practical, emotional and financial level and today was one of those days.

Bearing in mind I don't enjoy shopping AT ALL ( did I mention I don't like shopping) I decided the remedy to stress would be to get us all out of the house and ignore the stuff I can't mend and just go cruising around Hotel Chocolate for the tray of freebies. ( The visual image of me cruising is probably one you can live without I know).

This shop window belongs to a well known phone company whose name I won't mention unless they agree to sponsor my blips and keep me in white goods and phones ( yes, I have no problem being a commercial whore if the stuff is being given away). I love the display and it really does have the kaleidoscope effect it's not me editing . I could have got more of the circle in but that would have included the name of the shop and we haven't quite finalised the details on my sponorship yet....

I won't describe the details of the rest of the shop except to say that the girls now want to take me on some show called " Project Parent" which is where they teach the adults how to dress. They despaired as I pushed the boat out and bought a single black t shirt from Zara ( well it IS the Jubilee after all!) apparently that's all I wear. Black. The girls got some new stationery and are playing schools happily now.

All home safe and sound now. I have the Guardian and hot chocolate and a sofa with my name on it and all is well apart from the house not working.

I have had words with myself, nothing really matters in life except health and I know this very well after my ICU debacle a few years ago but occasionally I forget and like a moan. Thanks for listening I needed to vent.

This story always makes me smile and makes me slap myself and get on with things. The Mayonaise Jar Story . Hope you like it too.

Take Care and I hope you are all having a fab weekend

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