Anzac Day 2015

Thousands upon thousands of people turned out across the country to the Dawn Services to mark the 100th Anniversary of the Gallipoli landings.  120 thousand in Canberra, more than 80,000 in Melbourne, and more than 30,000 at the main service in Adelaide.  And there were hundreds of smaller commemorations in every town and village right throughout Australia.  I'm embarrassed to say we were not amongst those thousands.

When we did surface (we had a broken night because Mish got the yips. That's right, when all else fails, blame the dog), we went to Blackwood first of all but didn't stay there very long.  Far too much traffic.

So we headed to the next village - Coromandel Valley.  This is a very historic settlement in its own right. and the War Memorial they have there is charming - and much much quieter.

In their own special way they decided to commemorate the occasion with a new mural, and not having any other surface, decided to paint the toilet block.  And I think they've done a fabulous job.  It's very Australian, a little bit quirky and very clever.

Next week, Wide Angle Wednesday will be hosted by Chantler63:  The theme will be Signs and Symbols and tag your entry widwed09

And my awards for last weeks' fantastic and amazing entries go to:

For the tidiest room in the whole of Australia (possibly even the whole world), Hobbs.
For the pantry I simply have to have, Cymbeline
Wonderful distortion:  Hanneke3
The most complicated set of driving controls I have ever seen:  Isbi

And the hearts go to: (drum roll), and in no particular order.
Desert Camel

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