To Make Use of the Better Light

11.3C at the Met.Office weather station at Leuchars (local weather station shows 17.5C) starting rainy then clearing through the morning to sunny spells. Fresh breeze.

Apothecary7's day off. We decided to go through to Arbroath to have a walk round the harbour and just for a change to have tea and scones in Sugar and Spice, which is just round from the harbour at the bottom end of the High Street. Maeve the Deerhound was with us, but stayed in the car when we went for tea. When we came back out of the tearoom it had brightened up considerably so we walked along to the harbour to make use of the better light.

After lunch we took Maeve for a walk. We went up to the church then continued out along the country road to Scryne. We turned right at Craigmill farm and went down the track to the shore road. The fields are all showing good growth from the young crops. We came back along the cycle path then turned right to walk up the bridle path and back along by the church and round to home.

Maeve was only up once through the night and although clinging to me like a limpet when in the house, she looked a bit more like her usual self when plodding along behind us on her walk.

DMC-LX7 f/2.8 1/1300 sec. ISO-80 18mm (35mm focal length 216mm)

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