Time to Declare...

Outside it was grey weather but that was probably good because I really needed to do my tax, and Janet’s.
This is another annual ritual and usually goes smoothly but this year, for various reasons, it was more complex than usual. It took a good part of the day to figure it all out and I’m still not sure it’s absolutely correct. However, if it isn’t the tax people (Skatteverket) will fix it and maybe give me some money back.
Part of the ritual used to be delivering your forms to the local office and meeting everyone else doing the same thing but that is a thing of the past.  I adjusted my form and signed it via Internet. Jan’s form was signed via an SMS. We could have done it through an app or through an automatic telephone answering system. I wonder if anyone still puts it an envelope with a stamp and sends it in the quaint old-fashioned way?

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