Kristoff the Creator of Cholesterol Cuisine...

If those Special K flakes just don't hit the spot. That fruit in natural yoghurt just doesn't quite have the flavour kick. Come see this man. Kristoff the Creator of Cholesterol Cuisine.

Kristoff created the meaty delights for our Friday Roll Day the day for breakfast at work in the sandwich shop across the road. Kristoff is aware that we've started trying random rolls instead of the staples we used to and also that I've written an app for my phone that picks them.

Today I thought I'd get the man himself to run the app to choose my morning pick up. Link and square sausage doubler. MMMMmmm, mmmmm that is the cornerstone of a nutritious breakfast.

I updated the RandomRollRoulette to give it functionality to tweet your random roll to make the masses jealous. Got and Android phone, fancy trying it? Point your phone browser here.

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