
By FlyingPRGal

Saturday Snuggles

Love is....snuggles with a fluffy duck. Well it is for Honey this evening. I woke up at 7am this Saturday morning feeling like I had a streaming cold but am pretty sure it's just hayfever.

I got myself a cup of tea and headed back to bed with my four legged friend in tow. I dropped off to sleep more or less straight away with Honey by my feet and woke up a couple of hours later to a cold cup of tea and Honey's head on my shoulder.

A busy afternoon promoting the Castle at the Bluewater shop whizzed by before I headed back to Kent. Honey had a lovely afternoon at the Gliding Club with my friend Jackie and apparently got lots of attention from the glider pilots. She is becoming quite the aviation doggie.

It's a PJs on the sofa and more snuggles with Honey this evening. Feeling pretty ropey so early to bed. I can't decide if it's the worst hayfever I've ever had, allergy to dog hair or a cold. Either way am hoping sleep will cure it!

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