Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Pentlands on Big Bike Ride Day

The morning was spent on a 140km bike ride, training for an event in May (I had to do it this weekend as I might be on call next weekend, and it would not be possible). Of course the weather, which has been pretty good all week, has decided to be miserable and damp, especiaaly where the road heads up in to the hills. Fortunately I had planned for this and wore my waterproof jacket. Got home about 2 pm.

On a training ride, I don't really have time to stop for photography. So my blip is from Churchill, looking across Morningside and Fairmilehead towards the Pentlands. It illustrates just how miserable the ride was in places.

Of course what isn't shown is the northerly breeze I had to ride into heading home from Lyne station over the Meldons and from Eddleston to Leadburn.

Ah well. I did the distance, and if I'm free next weekend, the ride won't have to be that long.

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