King's Day 2015, Willemstad

The Orange Committee in Willemstad had spread a 'rumour' on FB that Their Majesties were going to drop by and visit after celebrating officially in Dordrecht.  Surely they wouldn't mention that on their FB site if it wasn't true?  Of course, we didn't believe it but we did wonder ever so slightly if there wasn't something to the story after all.  So, whereas we went to Breda last year, it was off to Willemstad today.

To be sure we could park, we decided to enter the town through 'the back door' by driving on the dike through Tonnekreek.  As it turned out, there was no need to worry.  The whole town was indeed closed to traffic, but there was more than sufficient parking space on the outskirts of the fort and the weather was glorious enough to enjoy a long stroll.  After about an hour, we did spot 'Their Majesties' arriving by boat -- actors in costume, complete with one 'princess'.

As for the spectacle in Dordrecht, we enjoyed THAT one on television in the comfort of our living room.  Looking at the crowds, it would have been madness to attempt to enter the city.  I hope they decide to visit Breda one day, though; fat chance, but if they do, we'll most likely book a hotel room in advance.

So instead of an 'orange' shot, this one was taken during our long walk on the defensive star-shaped dike surrounding the entire fort.  If you squint hard enough and maybe use a magnifying glass, you'll see hubby far far ahead on the path.

More on 'Koningsdag 2015' here! --

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