The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Dipper Marden (Friday 17th April 2015)

Since my previous visit, an official looking sign had appeared half way along the lane that led to the riverside where I park, reading 'No Unauthorised Vehicles Beyond This Point'. Apparently the road which appears to be a public highway is actually owned by Wessex Water and although I always park completely off the road on a verge they evidently didn't like it. Unfortunately, there isn't another safe place to park within reasonable walking distance.

I had a relaxing hour or two by the babbling river, reading and listening to the birds, but apart from four mallards there weren't any waterfowl about, and this iPad snap is the only picture that was taken.

27.4.2015 (2039 hr)

Blip #1556 (#1806 including archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #005
Day #1850
LOTD #791 (#911 including archived blips)

River series
River Marden series
Landscape series
Outdoor Places I Have Sat In series
iPad series

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Portico featuring Jamie Woon - Memory Of Newness (2015)

One year ago:
Swanage Railway

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