A Ramblers Tale

By ramblerstale

Bath Time.

Taken with my mac camera, I love this computer. It was easier than attempting to take it with my Nikon. I gave Taz a bath last night wait who got the bath? I was as wet if not wetter than she was, she made sure of that. She sat in the shower the entire time and looked at me like she was offended, like I was telling her she didn't clean herself well enough. Now she's all smelly and clean. She smells so good. I was reminded how beautiful she is when she's clean. She's like a beautiful strawberry blond almost typed blog there... hmmm *looks at coffee suspiciously*. She's gorgeous. I need to teach her to sit more often and get her photo taken. Maybe that will be a goal for my days off is to do a series of photos of her. It will be interesting to see if I can get them.

I realized today that even in all of our frustrations and in all of our issues we still love each other, its like a love hate relationship. A friend of mine here bought a little white Pomeranian and named him Sully. He was diagnosed by a vet here with K9 distemper. Does anyone know anything about it? I know its fatal and highly contagious. Taz and I are going to get a full round of inoculations and I am worried something will be wrong with her..

So think of her and I on Teausday as we go to get shots and such done. :) In the meantime a lovely BW self portrait for you.

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