
By FarmerGirl

The things you do for a blip....

Today started out a foggy morning and by lunch time the fog had lifted but left behind a dull cloudy sky. My husband decided that it would be a good afternoon to go for a walk, and along the way get a photo for today's blip.

So we all set off after lunch, and ended up at the Johnson's Creek walkway. It was well sign posted at the entrance to the track - 1 hour and 2.3km each way. I thought we would go part of the way, and by then I would have some wonderful photo's to choose from to blip, and we would then return home. The track was rather wet and in places muddy and slippery, so it was fortunate that we all wore our gumboots. The scenery was fantastic - it was like going through a rich green forest, with a moss carpet spread thoughout it, and families of fungi popping up occasionally on the track. Just beautiful!

Half an hour into the walk we came across a creek crossing - which was very slippery. My oldest son, C, got across no problem, while youngest son, T, got half way and decided he had seen gold in the sand under the water and stopped to try his luck at prospecting for it. Unfortunately my redbands (gumboots) didn't have a lot of grip on them, so my kind husband helped me across, until we thought I was over the worst of it - he then went back to T, to look for gold, which by the way was only fools gold! I stood on the slippery rock and took a few pictures, and the next minute, I had landed on my bum and was sitting in the creek! Luckily I was holding my camera and didn't get it wet, and my other lens in my sweatshirt pocket seemed to escape any water damage. I sat there as I couldn't move - so my husband and C had to pull me up to get me on my feet - I was drenched right though to my bum!

On the other side, we talked about going back, however I decided we had got over that side, so I wasn't about to turn around and go home and not finish the walk. So we kept going......eventually getting to the end of walk.

At the end of the track were huge rocks that had been sliced of the cliff during the 1929 Murchison Earthquake. All very interesting - I took more photo's and then we turned around and walked back to the start.

Luckily I managed to get over the creek without falling in - thanks to the steady hand of my husband!

After over 2 hours and 4.6 km of walking, we made it back out to our vehicle. It was a lovely walk - even it I did most of it with a wet bum!

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