
By pensionspoet

All Saints Church, Gresham

My day was quite normal - busy, which is always good as it passes the time.

I got home about 5.30 and after dinner we decided to go for a walk around our village, armed with Camera and binoculars. We were hoping to see an owl or two. We both heard them last night, and have seen them in various places in the village.

Unfortunately on this occasion we didn't see an owl, but we enjoyed our walk, and it was so peaceful. We chatted; Henry told me in detail about each of today's lessons, and almost every lesson, apart from French, he began with 'it was really good because...'. When I asked him if he felt settled at Cromer, he said yes, and did actually say it was better than his old school....before quickly back tracking and saying 'not better, smaller'. Very diplomatic. I am happy that he is happy.

The church is one of 124 churches in Norfolk with a Norman round tower. Apparently, the church contains one of the East Anglian seven sacrament fonts.I have not been in the church yet....but there is time for that. 

One final interesting 'fact' I discovered on wikipedia today was that Geoffrey Chaucer once owned property here. 

This small village seems to have an interesting history....which I am going to enjoy researching! 

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