A lot of effort for not much reward

With a major project due to go live over the weekend we were up and onto the Scar early again this morning. Sadly this time we didn't really catch the best of the day - its been different weather for pretty much each hour today - but we managed to be out for the cold wet windy one!
The moors were alive with the sound of the Curlews & Skylarks - and whilst I had the camera out to try and capture one of those we startled this Black Grouse - who took off in their customary manic fashion.

Back in the office I've just watched most of the day's work get overwritten (not in a good way) by a hitherto unseen glitch in the website's database programming - not only is the work rendered useless - but until they code out the error I can't risk getting on with anything else - making today's Blip an excellent metaphor for my working day - fingers (wings) have typed (flapped) furiously - but I've ended up (landed) not all that far from where I started!!

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