
By dwalletta

Bankers' Jolly

I spent the evening at a posh bankers' dinner. Or more correctly, a bankers' posh dinner. The chap sitting sitting next to me opened the conversation by asking if I'd been to many functions run by the Bankers' Institute. I told him I'd been invited many times, but I'd always declined on the grounds that they would be interminably boring. I countered by asking what was his connection with the Institute? I'm their events co-ordinator, he replied with a fixed smile.

On the way home, several awkward hours later, I stumbled across a much jollier looking function, which turned out to be the Young Scot of the Year awards. Someone insisted on grabbing my camera and taking my photo with an extremely famous young pop star - so famous his name escapes me. It was probably Justin Bieber. 


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