
I was in two minds whether to blip early. I am away with my children for a surprise pre birthday weekend. Trouble is I don't know where I am going and whether it has wifi etc. so I could be left without a blip which would not do. They organise the whole weekend and we went to Whitby last year. See https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/4300869

Anyway I will let you know tomorrow.

This morning had a very useful meeting with my GP. He listened and gave me plenty of time. He thinks the leg thigh problem may be nerves and linked to the inflammation of my bursa (my pain in the bum). On the latter he has referred me to see if it can be dealt with by an injection. He did not think the collective symptoms were related to my cancer but will suggest to my consultant a bone scan to be sure.

All in all he did as much as he could. So my leg is well rested after this week, I do not have an infection at the moment and no cold so hopefully it will be a great weekend which it usually is whatever with my two children.

Have a good weekend folks and I will let you know where I end up later today! Exciting!

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