Ski-ing In The Snow

Been Ski-ing today. And Snowboarding. I know, look at me!

Headed west this morning to take advantage of a Groupon offer, 90 minute lessons for £18 a piece. First up boarding, fell a few times but was getting there. I was in a group of eight, two of whom work for the same company as me, that was a suprise, although I didn't know either of them but they recognised me. I found two planks easier than one though and really enjoyed it.

Nothing was broken so by way of celebration I visited the adjacent Primark. Well, it would be rude not to go in after a 50 mile drive. It would seem that the entire population of Glasgow decided to mark the jubilee by shopping so I soon hightailed it out of there (with only one pair of trousers, a dress and some undercrackers).

Talking of the drive, what is it with drivers in the wild west? They drive like nutters!

Ski-ing In The Snow, Wigan's Ovation

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