I Once Was Lost But Now I'm Found

Diamond Jubilee day breakfast in the garden with the papers. A right royal boiled egg with a guard of honour of Ma'amite soldiers, washed down with tea from my cup bought in Walberswick where I spent the Golden Jubilee in 2002.

On that day, I walked the beach with my beautiful red boxer dog when Concorde came over flanked by the Red Arrows. I ran back to the cottage I'd rented in time to see them on the telly flying over Buckingham Palace.

Today, I walked someone else's beautiful boxer dog through the fields and came back home to watch the Thames Pageant on the telly. I do feel a very long way from London on days like this. (Saying that though, today their weather's looking quite Scottish and ours is lovely here.)

In other news, when I got my (very British Blue Cornishware) egg cup down from the shelf I found a pair of diamond stud earings that I thought I'd lost. Whoo hoo.

Amazing Grace, Edinburgh Military Tattoo, 2009

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