Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


...In that patch of blue that's enough to make a sailor a pair of trousers?
Today we have been treated  (by Mother Nature) to some extremes of weather, both glorious sunshine and howling rain.

I have thoroughly enjoyed both. 

Our visitors left this afternoon, after one of the longest and most leisurely breakfasts ever.

I love cooking.

But breakfast?


After a big meal last night and so little sleep? 

In my head; Composed Hostess.

Reality;  distracted, red-faced and frizzy-haired Pig-Herder* with the whiff of Cooking Fat Cling (avec tomato-seedy rag tea-towel still attached to shoulder by means of sticky caramelised sausage).

My gripe with breakfasts is that everything seems to happen at the same time (and it’s so unreasonably early on in the day, before I’ve anywhere near ‘got my eye in’ so to speak).

I do feel I’ve finally nailed the poached egg though. (Messy? But not interesting.. I get that. A personal victory worth noting nevertheless). 

So... What’s a girl to do now but embrace massively calorific (and oh-so-plentiful) leftovers with gusto?

(We abhor waste :-)).  

No Poldark tonight then?

I guess it’ll have to be ‘Catch-Up’ and an early night.


*Reference to my attire.

 A (perhaps?) ‘roomy’ purchase, bought with the intention of ‘skimming’ the hip area discretely and fashionably.

When unwrapped and tried on in safety of Own Home... Comment from Himself from behind the crossword: 

 ‘Very nice’.

‘For when you’re herding pigs’ :-/ 

I might have mentioned this before? Clearly a nerve has been tweaked.


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