The second half of life..

By twigs


Had a great night's sleep last night even though the wind was quite strong which caused some rocking of the van causign me to wake several times thinking it was an earth rumble!

Managed a rather impressive almost 11 hours of sleep which I guess just means that I was pretty tired. Cruised along the coast a bit stopping in a few places for alook around which was nice. The bummer is that the weather is closing in and I understand is set to get rather worse. I'm considering shortening my long weekend to a short long-weekend and heading home early . . . . .

This van was parked alongside me at one of the places I stopped today. Apparently it's a 1972 Ford something-or-other and it was in pretty dire condition when the current owners took possession of it in 1998. After a good handful of years of work they've had it on the road as a fully functional campervan for a number of years now - and very cute it was too.

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