Wine,Women & Song

By CelloNerd

To all the dream chasers

After running an errand I took a slight detour so Lola and I could enjoy the sunshine. What a beautiful day to be gliding across the lake in a kayak. During our short walk I had time to ponder a few things, things like whether I'm content with what I've managed to accomplish in this life. How many of us are doing what we dreamed we would do, and if not, what held us back? I think it often boils down to three excuses:

1. I'm not capable
2. I can't afford to
3. I'm afraid to fail (which feeds #2)

And here's what you can whisper into your own ear:

1. You're more capable and ready than you realize.
2. This is true, money does not always follow passion (contrary to popular slogans). But the sacrifices may well be worth the incredible journey.
3. Fear is real but you shouldn't feel it's something you have to overcome because courage isn't simply about overcoming fear. I think courage is more about doing a job anyway, while you're afraid! I try not to worry so much about losing and failing, and more about wasting years playing the wrong game - - now that's a scary thought!

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