
By Mindseye

Waiting for wisteria

We have been looking after Emily, our third granddaughter today, as her school is being used as a polling station...so it's been a day of colouring, games and cartoons, with a quick trip down into town squeezed in!

We all had hotdogs for lunch (proper sausages really, not those horrible tinned things yuck!!)

Then later Emily had a birthday party to go to, so we stayed a while, until our daughter got there.....dread to think how many decibels it was in there, it was soooo loud, but the children seemed to be enjoying themselves!!!

After a pretty grey day, with some dampness, the evening has just blossomed into the most beautiful blue sky with warm sunshine...so a quick dash into the garden to check on our wisteria's progress, having seen one in flower whilst we were out this afternoon. It's getting there, but there won't be any flowers for a good few days yet, but, when there is, I think there will be plenty, looking at all these lovely big long buds.....I'll blip it again once they are open :-)

Hub is on the mend now, still a little tired, but getting there now. Thanks so much for all your well wishes :-) quizzing tonight :-)

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