
I enjoyed a lovely blipmeet with John Van de Graaff and his wife, Marylee this afternoon. They arrived at Dogcorner , we had some time for photos and schmoozing with Raspberry before heading to Hingham. They treated me to a delicious lunch at Legal C before  heading off to Old Lyme Connecticut . John has bird presentation there tonight. We have met before and as things go for blippers we all know lots about each other from photographs. I enjoyed every minute and a few blippers we share in common may have burning ears this evening. Until the next time, it was a grand way to spend an early afternoon.

Today marks 122 years since my dear grandmother, Nora was born in South Lubec, Maine and the 100th Anniversary of the tragic sinking of the Lusitania. It's also the birthday of Edwin Land, inventor of the Polaroid camera...

For the Record,
This day came in warm and sunny, a glorious day.

All hands healing

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