An Unkindness of Ravens

By Nevermore

Fungus season

We went on a scout walk at Badgers Weir, near Healesville, today. Some sort of worldwide 'Jamboree of the trail' thing. (I'm not much into scouts myself – too much 'queen and country and god' for my liking – but S enjoys it and I think all the outdoor activities are great.)

A lovely area, but it was very dark amongst the trees and being in a group, I couldn't do my usual prolonged photographic stops... Some pretty fungi is starting to appear. It's colder and wetter than at our house and I haven't seen any fungi at home yet. A tripod would be useful on a trip like this (I rarely take mine out, unless I know I'll definitely need it).

A nice orange bract fungus.

I forgot about the extra photo feature momentarily! Have now added an inquisitive kookaburra image from today.

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