St Mary the Virgin Church

This morning we went to collect my new spectacles from Spec Savers in Haverhill. They are the same prescription as my others, but I decided I needed a spare pair, these are purple and I have a purple case for them.
While I was there I decided to photograph the tree in front of the Church to compare with two others I have taken recently. There may not be many others in this series, as I do not often go to Haverhill. I took a 'proper' camera with me today so the picture is slightly different; to see the others, click the tag SBHaverhillChurch.
While we were there we had a look around the market and I purchased some runner bean, tomato and courgette plants. I shall not plant them out yet as in our garden there is still a risk of ground frost. I hope that they will grow and that they will not become deer food!

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