A Cut Above

Mothers Day…I am not really sure about my mother, last time I met her she was riding in the bark of a truck and it was raining, somewhere in the North Island but today The Bossess was appointed “my mother” and I was expected to lavish her with gifts. My Paw Card has not recovered from Fathers day yet so luckily my friends L and D invited the B’s to a continental breakfast and I was let off the hook…so to bark. This scrumptious event (FOR THEM) was followed by A Sunday Drive where we checked out some of the recent real estate developments one of which was described as above and it certainly was. Way above in The Queensbury Hills.

So if you want to live on top of a hill, totally exposed to the elements with a rain water tank, invisible neighbours, 10 million rabbits, suspect broadband and a 30 minute drive to get dog tucker, this view is for you. 
I am tempted by the rabbits but not sure what one is as The Boss has actively discouraged social interaction with them since I was but a pup and I would miss my neighbours dog which is great for barking practise, terribly.


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