youngies journey

By youngie66

The Royal Scotsman

Well I was sitting in my messroom and could hear the scurl of the bagpipes as the piper piped all the tourists away on there trip around the highlands of Scotland it is a pretty swanky train and expensive in my freight train driving days it was my company that had the contract to supply the drivers and I had many an enjoyable day driving it I remember on one occasion I was taking it to Newcastle my gaurd came up to me and said one of the toffs was complaining about rough riding I said I cant do nothing about the bumps in the track so as I was walking by one of the coaches there was an elderly lady sat at her vanity mirror holding her hairbrush and her hair was all over the place and I thought to myself with a smile I wonder if it was you who was complaing oh the joys of being a train driver I'm so easily pleased anyway this is my blip for today of The Royal Scotsman Train being piped away from Edinburgh.

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