Your Ollium is ready

We had a phone call a few days ago - a first from Arley Hall, to say our Ollium was ready. After some puzzlement, we realised that we had ordered it last summer, and that the young plants we're now prepared.

Turns out its real name is Tropoeulum specious, or "flame flower". It is a chilean plant, which grows through the yew hedges at Arley and with its bright red flowers against a dark green background looks fantastic. Reading up on it, it is quite difficult to grow, although does quite well in Scotland (so that's something else that does quite well north of the border). 

Whether it will survive our small garden we shall see, but we'll give it a go.

The gardens at Arley are looking very fine, even on a dull day like today. This blip is of a striking plant sitting on the edge of a pond in the wetter part of the garden - no idea what it is. Around it and beyond are the white spikes of ransoms, or wild garlic - another spring favourite.

In the car park there were lots of lorries and caravans - for costumes and make up. ITV is starting to film a period drama from tomorrow, and has made up some of the rooms in the Hall. Then two weeks later another TV company are doing something. And then in June Corrie apparently arrive for more filming. Arley is clearly a popular spot for filming - and who can blame them, it's gorgeous.

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