Bats & Gallox

Lovely 8 mile walk today. Should have been 4.5 miles but my map reading is rubbish. Dunster is one of the most perfectly preserved medieval villages in England with origins dating back to the Bronze and Iron Age. From there we strolled up to the Iron Age hill-fort of Bat's Castle, recently rediscovered by two schoolboys, no doubt bunking off school, who found 8 silver coins dating from as early as 102BC. On the way there we crossed Gallox Bridge, first used to let pack animals cross the river. The name ‘Gallox’ is likely to be from the word ‘Gallows’ which explains what used to happen there. For those who know about these things Bat’s Castle hill-fort is a bivallate sub-circular enclosure. Sadly, we didn't find any silver coins, but did spend a few. How times change.

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