Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Clinging to the wreckage...

... And still eating the fat balls quicker than we can provide them.

Himself bought a shed load of them when the price was right, saying 'these should last until 2018'.
They've all gone!

We went for a walk in a bluebell wood this afternoon. All most photogenic. However I do prefer something with a bird or a bug.

The bird behaviour in the garden is waaaay more entertaining than any novel at the moment. But I swear they know when a camera lens is pointed in their direction, and subsequently act more coy than any Jane Austen heroine.
One of the robins was looking very battered this afternoon when we arrived back. I did manage a shot, but was too sad to blip it. It's tough out there for them.

In other news they've ('they'? I don't know.. Powers.. Somewhere)changed the formula of my toothpaste.
A small thing, admittedly, but (just like the American chocolate bar that rhymes with 'How durr she?') there's just a faint whiff of vomit about it now.
It's not what you want is it?
I wish they'd leave things alone.
Grumpy? Moi?

I'm feeling a bit yardarmish.
Bottoms up.

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