
The first morning of the holiday and it's the usual case of 8 people all getting their breakfasts at the same time, not knowing what we've got or where it is or how things work, then making sandwiches and generally getting ready to go out.

Eventually, out of the chaos, order of sorts emerges and by 10.06 we're outside the door ready to start on what I've described to the assembled walkers as a 10 mile walk out and back along the Swale.

They know me by now after all these years and are prepared mentally if not physically for the steep ascent from Richmond onto Low Moor then onto Coalsthwaite, Whitescar and Deepdale, high up but alongside the river.

The afternoon route did indeed follow the river back to Richmond as this shot shows. When we reached the town three people went back to begin the evening dinner while the remaining four did a loop to take in the ruins of  Easby Abbey adding a bit extra distance to give an overall distance of 11 1/2 miles. Very good it was too, as was the evening meal and the quiet, relaxing evening that followed

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