twinned with trumpton


After some much needed sleep, Saturday was a bit more dynamic.

Up and tidied; then shop for present for Tom's party, wrapped that.

Lunch under way - a reprise of the saffron fennel barberry chicken. Saute new potatoes. And the mix for the sticky toffee pudding.

A fairly frantic morning; folks duly arrived 1230, Sharon shortly after.

Lunch was tasty, chat was boring, and then luckily we had the end of Tom's party - 2pm at the ice cream shop. Party boy's mother refused to acknowledge my presence..! I wonder why...?

So folks and Alex and I went to Botanics; coffee, Inverleith House for art (colourful?), Sharon fled.

Dropped Alex and home to pack.

Bike, sleeping bag, stove - and went to pick her up for a night out together. At Callater Stable. Glorious evening as we drove up through the north east of Perthshire and came to a halt just short of Braemar.

Onto the bikes with heavily laden rucksacks and with the sun setting behind us, we trailed off up 4 miles of track to Callater Stable.

Just us there (although the lodge had a couple of guys in), we lit the bbq, chicken on, beds set out, wine poured and in bed just after midnight.

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