
By Mindseye

Audacious azalea

What a lovely sunny and pleasantly warm day it's been.........we met up with youngest son and his wife for a leisurely and lovely lunch. The plan had been to meet them over there and find somewhere local to them to eat, but some numpty accidentally left D-i-L's birthday cards on the coffee table (oops me :-/) which was the real reason we were meeting up, so we could pass on her various birthday cards from other family members!!! So having driven over there.......(you can see there is a definite theme to our journeys' of late) we had to drive back again to collect the birthday cards, so we decided to have lunch in our neck of the woods, before driving them back home late afternoon :-)

Youngest is back to work later this week after his time off following his eye operations...he's ready, been a bit bored!

Once we got back home, as it was such a nice evening, we decided to do some jobs in the garden. I planted up two more baskets for the back garden, and put some more gazanias into the borders. As I was planting them, I noticed this orange azalea had opened and was literally glowing in the sunlight........saw it, shot it, blipped it ;-)

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