
By Madchickenwoman


Made it all the way into the village today! Did have a rest on a bench whilst Portly Lucy rolled around on the playing field! Then felt a bit funny on standing up so ambled slowly back! Got caught by the sound of House Martins and happily watched and photographed them flying to and fro under the fascia of a house with their distinctive summer calls. I wonder how they choose which house to nest. Wanted - South facing abode, spacious overhang, near a food source, no velux windows?
Later in the afternoon spent another age watching the mice! It's very calming just sitting and watching the busy activity of animals - rather like a visual mantra! After a while you get into the rhythm of their to-ings and fro-ings - rather like waves crashing on rocks - you know when they are going to occur and in the case of waves, when it is time for a spectacular one! I quite enjoy it when they peer out of the greenery then dash for the feeder, only to get spooked and dive for cover!
I only saw Mouse 2 and 3 - scruffy Mouse 1 did not put in an appearance - I fear the worst. Sadly Mrs Twinkly died today as well.Seeing and hearing her suffer last night and this morning it was more of a relief - but have alerted the coop to watch out for signs amongst the rest - at some point my and their luck must change for the good! Probably jinxed that now! Not that I am superstitious - but I  do believe in Sod's Law!! That's an axiom not a superstition - I just checked with Wikipedia! Also found that  " in British culture, as "hope for the best, expect the worst" " That sounds reasonable - but if you expect the worst, does that mean you have to plan for it - like those ridiculous Risk Assessments for trips out at school? Trip to park - dog attack, Trip to the City - bomb threat, Anywhere else - alien invasion!!! We used to have a good laugh discussing which child we would give them to take back!! 
Oh dear - these anti virals are seriously messing with my head - I am seeing strange things in peoples blips, feel tearful upon seeing beautiful things - I feel like those melancholy drunks who slur their words and drape themselves over you telling you how much they love you! I actually said this to camera man at the end of our phone chat - I had previously spoken to him about feeling this way ( drunk not in love!)  - now I'm worried he missed the joke and thought I was serious!! Won't be hearing from him again!!! It's a bloomin' good job I'm in isolation - heaven knows what sort of mess I would be getting myself into otherwise! Think I should stop answering the phone too!
Anyway - time to get squiffy on another tablet - love you all!!!! Oops! 
P.S. Crappy but cute photo of Mouse 1 and 2 as extra and main blip possibly my favourite view in the village! Shame there were no cows - I love cows!!

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