A Good Sign

Thursday was pretty typical for us.  Work....and school.  Then dance for my girl.  Afterwards, we met up with one of Sugar's little friends, and we had a nice sit down and chat.  Needed to do a little bit of mediation with the girls.  Their friendship had hit a bit of a rough spot.  I wanted to help them discuss it, and come up with some consistent messages regarding friendship.  It went well, and I think the girls will be communicating much better.  Relationships can be hard....but with work....they can bring us lifelong joy. 

When we got home, I ran outside to give the rabbits some hay, while Sugar had some dinner.  I looked over at Buttercup, and saw this sweet sight. This is a VERY GOOD SIGN of babies to come.  She gathered hay....wanting to make a nest.  I went and got the nest box, and gave it to her several days early since she was feeling the urge to nest.  It put a smile on our faces....and hope in our hearts.

PS.  Back blipping....check out yesterday's girl.  

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